Imagination is important than knowledge -Albert Einstein

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Cupcake Tak Sampai (True Story)

Spesial Menyambut Hari Ibu. Enjoy it.

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Dear diary,
Hari ini aku sedih sekali. Rasanya hari ini aku mau nangis tapi air mata tidak pernah keluar. Kejadian ini dimulai pada saat baru bangun pagi.....

*jam 5 pagi*

Nenek : Atia bangun solat dulu. Jangan lupa bangunkan Papa sama Rehan juga.
Aku : Hmmm...... *masihngantuk
         Hari ini hari ibu ya? Ya Allah~

Kemudian aku bangunin Papa sama Rehan, solat, dengerin musik sebentar, abis itu aku ambil BB (Almh.) Ibuku buat cek twitter (hehehe.....). Meskipun hari itu masih jam 6 pagi tapi ucapan selamat hari ibu membanjiri TL ini. Aku langsung murung. Yaiyalah envy liat orang masih bisa merayakan hari ibu dengan ibunya sendiri. Lah ini..... T.T

Ibuku meninggal sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu. Penyebabnya sih ga ada yang ngerti juga. Waktu itu pas aku lagi berjuang mengerjakan soal UTS matematika. Padahal waktu itu pikiran udah ga tenang lagi. Pas pelajaran olahraga (setelah MTK) aku baru dipanggil pulang. Untung aja nilai matematika 87, sayangnya olahraga cuma 65 dan itu aku ngerjain ulang pas susulan #skip

Jam 8
Aku & Papa pergi ke sekolah buat ambil rapot, untungnya sih masuk 10 besar setelah 2 tahun ga pernah lagi dapat ranking (kemana aja selama ini. kenapa baru sekarang dapet ranking lagi??? -_-). Karena jam 10 mau les lalu aku langsung pergi les. Awalnya sih takut ditanya-tanyain sama guru les tentang hari ibu (maklumlah guru-guru disana pada kepo). Tapi ya sudahlah ngaku aja kalo misalnya ditanyain. hmmm

Sampai disana aku melihat ada beberapa cupcake menggiurkan disana. Tulisan "Happy Mother's Day" ada dimana-mana. Mungkin hari ini emang berbanding terbalik dengan anak-anak lainnya, tetapi inilah rencana Tuhan. Ga ada yang tahu.

Saat pelajaran gurunya langsung fokus ke pelajaran. Pas mau pulang kita disuruh untuk ambil cupcake tadi. Kemudian kami ambil cupcakenya lalu kembali lagi ke kelas. "Kalian boleh makan cupcake-nya" Kata guru les. "Buat ibu woy buat ibu." Kata salah satu teman aku. Aku sih udah ga sabar makan cupcake juga sebenarnya.

Pulang les
Aku duduk untuk memakan cupcake itu. Dibayangku terpikir tentang mama. Andaikan mama masih ada... mungkin sekarang cupcakenya udah ga ada di dalam perutku lagi. haaffftttt. Setelah selesai makan aku ditelpon Papa buat cepat pulang. Mendadak rencana jalan-jalan ke pusara. Kemudian aku pulang dengan air mata mau menangis. Jujur aku ga mau kesana. Jangankan kesana. Orang datang melayat aja ogah-ogahan #eh.

Namun rencana tersebut batal karena hujan. Diganti menjadi besok-besok (ga pasti). Namun tetap aja, meskipun cupcake itu udah dimakan tapi rasanya pengen muntahin terus dikasih ke mama #segitunya.

Aku harus tegar. Aku harus tegar.......

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Star Fruit and the Super Power

Once upon a time in south Jakarta, there were two men live in the village. They were Sone and Totti. They had the super power to protect their village. They can but, very famous was Totti. Because he lived with one-half foot but he can fly and killed the giant enemy. Their villager wanted Totti to be his housemates. So, Totti’s house was very big. Unfortunately, after 3 years their power was losing. They didn’t have the power to fight enemies.
Every day, Totti and Sone tried together to find their power. But it didn’t work. They never gave up. One day, Sone tried to find his power beside his house himself. Nobody people around Sone. Suddenly, his super power was back. Sone was very happy. He shouted to everyone. And then villager directly came to give congratulate to Sone. Totti’s housemates moved on to Sone’s house. Totti persuade them to stay. But just a family who want to stay with Totti
“Why do he always try to find his power and then he have successed, but I have been trying like that but that power isn’t come to me?” Totti sad.
“Maybe you haven’t tried once again….” The housemate said.
Then Totti tried again.
“It didn’t work!” Totti said.
2 days later, Totti went to a hill that far from village in the night. He saw stars around there. Then he said…
“2 days ago and yesterday I didn’t see star anywhere. Now, I see much stars around here. Hhhmmm…………. maybe it seem like me. 3 years I don’t have the super power. Tomorrow… or two days later…. or one week later I will get super power.”
He prayed to God for his super power. And then he slept on a hill. When he woke up, he was seeing the fruit like star beside him. He ate it and then he said it very delicious. Suddenly, his power was back. But his power lost after one day. So, the super power was from this fruit. Then he back to village with the fruit.
Arrived village, Totti was shocked. Everything in front of him was destroyed. The housemate came to him.
“Please kill this giant. He destroy anything in our village. People was killed by giant. Sone was hurt. Totti  ate the fruit then he fight versus the giant. After 10 minutes, the giant was killed. Victory was theirs. Totti was happy with his super power.
2 days later, Sone’s pain was gone. Then came to Totti’s house. They talked about 2 days ago. And then they planted the fruit from hill behind Totti’s house. So another villager can got the super power from its fruit. And then that fruit called “Star Fruit”. :p